jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


El artista que nos ocupa tiene una historia peculiar y muy propia del sueño americano. Jaime siempre ha sido fanático del mundo Disney, siendo coleccionista y dejándose influir en su arte por todo lo relacionado con el mundo de Mickey Mouse.

Estudió Bellas Artes en Barcelona mientras trabajaba de dependiente en unos grandes almacenes, y de pronto dio un giro radical a su vida.

Se presentó en un casting para poder irse a trabajar a Disneyland París, por lo que tuvo que aguantar bastantes pruebas hasta finalmente ser seleccionado. Lo que parecía un trabajo de verano continúa varios años después, pues vive en su propio apartamento cerca del parque temático que tanto le gustaba visitar y que ahora es su lugar de trabajo y donde pasa la mayor parte del día, rodeado de todo lo que le ha inspirado durante tantos años. Su fuerte es la ilustración y animación.

Aquí tenéis unas pequeñas muestras del trabajo de Jaime, por desgracia no ha podido pasarnos los que él desearía, pero hay algunos muy bueno, sobretodo por el detalle de que pinta sus propios muebles, customiza su ropa y hace hasta juegos de mesa personalizados.

Esperamos que os animéis a compartir vuestros trabajos con todos nosotros!

Si queréis contactar con él, enviadnos un mail

The artist who occupies us has a peculiar and very proper history of the American dream. Jaime has always been a fanatic of the world Disney, being a collector and they allowing to influence his art for everything related to the world of Mickey Mouse. 

He studied arts in Barcelona while it was employed of dependent at a few department stores, and suddenly it gave a radical change to his life. 

It appeared in a casting Paris was able to go away to work to Disneyland, from what it had to bear enough tests up to finally being selected. What was looking like a summer work continues several years later, so it lives in his own apartment next to the thematic park that so much he liked to visit and that now is his place of work and where there happens most of the day, surrounded with everything what it has inspired him for so many years. His fortress is the illustration and animation. 

Here you have a few small samples of the work of Jaime, unfortunately it could not have spent to us those that he would wish, but there are some of them very well, topcoat for the detail of which it paints his own furniture, customiza his clothes and does up to personalized games of table. 

We hope that you should cheer up to share your works with all of us!

If you want to contact with him, send to us a mail

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