viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Noticias Breves tv /// Express news tv

-Hallelujah, nueva serie de Marc Cherry (Desperate Housewives) tendrá como villano a Terry O'quinn (Locke en Lost). Será una mezcla de musical con serie de intriga, en la que el protagonista será Jesse L. Martin (Ley y Orden).

-Once Upon a Time, serie de los creadores de Lost para la próxima temporada en Abc, tendrá como protagonista a Ginnifer Goodwin (Big Love) y a Lana Parilla (Swingtown) que interpretarán a Blancanieves y a la malvada reina. Además, contará con la presencia de Jennifer Morrison (House).

La serie tratará la vida de Anna, una mujer que vive en el mundo de fantasía de Storybook, donde la magia y los cuentos se hacen realidad.

-No Ordinary Family no tendrá segunda temporada al confirmarse que Michael Chiklis (The Shield) ha firmado para protagonizar una comedia en CBS. Vince Uncesored, que es como se llamará la comedia, lo tendrá como protagonista dando vida a un hombre que decide cambiar de actitud para ser más optimista.

-SyFy prepara una precuela de Peter Pan, una tv movie de 4 horas que abordará la vida del mítico personaje antes de su llegada a Neverland y antes de ser enemigo de Garfio. Keira Knightley doblará al personaje de Campanilla.

-Alcatraz, serie de J J Abrams (Lost, Alias) tendrá finalmente 12 episodios para su primera temporada en Fox.

-Se esta buscando sustituto para Charlie Sheen en Two and a Half Man después de su repentino despido al haber insultado públicamente al productor de la serie.

-Se desconoce todavía si continuarán Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters y V, pero de esta última, uno de los protagonistas (Scott Wolf) ha asegurado que tienen muchas posibilidades de continuar un año más.

-Peligran los actores de House al no llegar a un acuerdo en los contratos de los actores que rodean al protagonista, ya que Hugh Laurie ya ha firmado por otro año y es el único asegurado.

-El 28 de abril se emitirá el último episodio de Steve Carrell en The Office.


- Hallelujah, new series of Marc Cherry (Desperate Housewives) will take as a villain Terry O'quinn (Locke in Lost). It will be a miscellany of musical with series of intrigue, in which the protagonist will be Jesse L. Martin (Law and Order). 

-Once Upon a time, series of the creators of Lost for the next season in Abc, it will take as a principal character to Ginnifer Goodwin (Big Love) and Wool Parilla (Swingtown) that they will play to Snow White and the evil queen. Also, it will be provided with the presence of Jennifer Morrison (House). 

The series will treat the life of Anna, a woman who lives in the world of fantasy of Storybook, where the magic and the stories are made a reality. 

- No Ordinary Family will not have the second season on having confirmed to him that Michael Chiklis (The Shield) has signed to lead a comedy in CBS. Vince Uncesored, who is as it will be called the comedy, will have it as protagonist giving life to a man who decides to change attitude to be more optimistic. 

- SyFy prepares one pretipples of Peter Pan, a tv movie of 4 hours who will tackle the life of the mythical personage before his arrival to Neverland and before being an enemy of Hook. Keira Knightley will double the personage of Small bell.

- Alcatraz, series of J J Abrams (Lost, Alias) it will have finally 12 episodes for his first season in Fox. 

- substitute is looked for Charlie Sheen in Two and to Half Man after his sudden dismissal on having insulted publicly the producer of the series. 

- it is not known yet if there will continue Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters and the Vth, but of the last one, one of the protagonists (Scott Wolf) has made sure that they have many possibilities of continuing one more year. 

- the actors of House are in danger on not having come to an agreement in the contracts of the actors who surround the protagonist, since Hugh Laurie has already signed another year and is the insured only one. 

- on April 28 will see the last episode of Steve Carrell will be in The Office.

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